by tb2_55mczn | Jan 1, 2019 | Artists' Books
blue demon 2019 two books each 15 x 15 cm in cardboard cassette 16 x 33 x 2,5 cm with a lego stripe, paper napkins coffee stained and painted, water- and spray-color, collage wooden stamp, pigment print, 10 leaves, Japanese binding, edition of 7. Having been a Rome...
by tb2_55mczn | Jan 1, 2017 | Artists' Books
Shabbat with the Suprematists 2017 34 x 22 x 2 cm, ready made, hard cover, collages, cut outs, tempera paintings, one of a kind This is a facsimile of Or Hahaim – (Light of Life) an important work of commentaries and interpretations of the Pentautech, by the...
by tb2_55mczn | Jan 1, 2017 | Artists' Books
unter der sonne – under the sun 2017 27 x 14 x 1 cm, 9 booklets side bound, collage, stamp and drawing on Chinese and Japanese papers in a linnen covered card board box with inlayed stones, poem by artist, one of a kind. Meta themes like mother –mutter, power – macht,...
by tb2_55mczn | Jan 1, 2017 | Artists' Books
time’s memory – ajan muisti 2017 22 x 30 x 5 cm, three books in cardboard box with metal plate inlay, hot foil embossing on linen hard cover, photo collages in pigment print on Kozo 21gm, Inoshi 12 gm and Rakusui 9 gm papers, Japanese binding by Thomas Lüttich,...
by tb2_55mczn | Jan 1, 2015 | Artists' Books
barfuss im schnee – barefoot in snow 2015 2 books, hardcover, 21 x 30 cm, in cardboard linen covered box 22 x 31 x 3 cm, photo collages in pigment print on Kozo 21gm, Inoshi 12 gm and Rakusui 9 gm papers, lichen in foil, sewing, Japanese binding, hot foil embossing,...
by tb2_55mczn | Jan 1, 2012 | Artists' Books
Rhytmus le rouge 2012 28 x 45 cm, stone lithography on Japanese paper, stamp, text leaves sewn collage – like, Japanese binding, housed in a red felt wrapper with facsimile manuscript by Marcel Moreau in French and German, in an external pouch, edition of 6 A...